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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20231 min read
When Cancer Spreads - Part 2
Studies suggest that individuals who have heart attacks may be at higher risk of developing cancer or cancer spreading or coming back.
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20232 min read
When Cancer Spreads - Part 1
Many of you are wondering and worrying about what happens when cancer spreads, such as when cancer spreads to the brain, or the bones.
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20232 min read
Heart Murmur
A heart murmur is basically the sound of blood rushing through your heart or from your heart to the rest of the body.
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20231 min read
Heart To Heart, Heart And Soul
We all want to have precious time with loved ones. We want to live healthy long lives, and many of us want to have an impact.
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20231 min read
Heart Cancer
Many kinds of cancer medications, and also radiation therapy to the chest, can injure the heart. Such as the notorious "red devil".
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20231 min read
Where The Heart Is: Heart Is On What Side?
Many believe that the heart is located over in the middle of the left chest.
To some extent, that is true.
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20231 min read
When The Heart Calls
Sometimes the heart calls you to listen closely and hear the heart's cry.
Sounds poetic, doesn't it?
It's true though.
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20233 min read
Are Heart Palpitations Normal?
Various heart rhythms (normal or abnormal) can cause heart palpitations. Some people call heart palpitations "flutters" or "fluttering".
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 12, 20232 min read
Can Heart Failure Be Reversed?
We would use the terms "control" or "manage" rather than "reverse', as heart failure can be exacerbated at any time, such as when you travel
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 3, 20222 min read
Cancer and the Heart: How Cancer Impacts Your Heart Health
Cancer treatments can significantly impact the heart, from the stress of therapies to the side effects of medication.
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Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown
Nov 3, 20223 min read
What is the Difference Between Preventive Cardiology and Preventive Cardio-Oncology?
By preventing cardiovascular disease, we can help limit cancer recurrence and ultimately protect patients in remission.
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